"Punx Not Dead!", the English band "The Exploited" (there's also a cracking crew called like this.) used to sing.
And indeed, Punk's not all dead yet. Specially not if you look at today's Punk Rock scene. There are not only great bands in England (like "GBH", "Toy Dolls", "Macc Lads", "Peter & The Test Tube Babies", "UK Subs" to name the most known.) but also in Germany.
The most successful band in Germnay today are devinetly "Die Toten Hosen": They started as a little noisy band in 1982, and now reached Top Ten status with their latest LP! But the more successful they grew the more comercial their songs began to sound. Success is the worst thing that can happen to a good Punk Rock band!
But their are still some bands keeping alive the spritit of Punk Rock. Who keep making loud live music, fighting for record contracts, trying to play their guitars, and pogoing with their fans!
There is for example "Die Boskops" from Hannover with a loud, mega disorted but melodic guitar sound and great vocals! They published three LPs so far: "Sol12", "Lauschgift" and "F.E.D.I.A.". First one's sold out, but try to get hold of the other two!
If you prefer very fast and sharp guitar sound with fast vocals, then you should buy a record by "The Spermbirds". They sing in English, but a always good for a little pogo.
And there's of course "NORMAhL" from Stuttgard. Drunk, left extreme, and funny! They released several LPs at M{lleimer Records, most of them still available!
Getting more and more successful, there's a band from Hamburg called "Die Goldenen Zitronen". Not too fast, but great funny lyrics, and always having a good time! Wait for their next LP!
Also great fun are "Die Frohlix", trying to survive with EPs. Good sound including trumpets!
Soccer + PunkRock = "Die Walter 11" Good lyrics, and great guitars and no sick musicians. Go buy their "Die Angst des Torwarts beim Elfmeter"-LP. And go see them when they come to your town, always big fun!
And last but not least, I want to mention a nearly legendary band called "SLIME". Meaningful, critcal lyrics, and great guitars and vocals. Released several LPs including "Yankees raus!" and "Alle gegen alle." All available from "Agressive Rock Produktionen".
But always remember to support your local bands, go to their gigs, and have fun!
This was a little excursion away from Soundtracker songs to live-playable guitar sound. I hope you enjoyed reading it anyway. (Next time some words about English independent bands.)